速報APP / 商業 / Zola Suite

Zola Suite



檔案大小:59.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Zola Suite(圖1)-速報App

Zola is the only law practice management application that was built for lawyers by lawyers, and the only with an all in one mindset - freeing your firm of clunky third party integrations and poorly planned design. Zola Mobile gives you access to your important case information when you are on the road or in the courtroom. The mobile app features:

Advanced Calendar System

Want to see what’s on the agenda for the day? Your dashboard prominently displays your upcoming appointments. You can also add, modify or delete appointments on the go.

Matter Information

Not sure which of your colleagues is overseeing the Jones case? Can’t remember the name of your opposing counsel’s assistant? No problem. All of this information can be accessed through the Matters section of Zola Mobile.

Contact Information

While your phone has a built-in address book, most attorneys don’t add all of their case-related contacts to this default application. Zola allows you to keep your private contacts and case-related contacts separate by providing you with a contact management system for your cases and your firm.


Constantly on the go? Zola Mobile allows you to manage your email messages on the fly. Send, receive and save emails to their respective cases. This email client was designed with attorneys in mind.


As a busy attorney, you have a seemingly endless to-do list. Zola Mobile makes it easy to keep track of all of your tasks (overdue, current and upcoming). You can also create and assign new tasks to co-workers.


Meeting with a client outside of the office and want to jot down a few notes? Zola features a complete notes system that allows you to easily record new notes and access older ones.

Time Entries

In a day full of meetings, it can be difficult to remember exactly how much time was spent at each. Zola Mobile makes it easy to create new time-entries on the go so you never fail to record and consequently bill for your hard work.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch